Old Town House

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Building summary
Early 20th century
Name Old Town House
Address High Street, Falkland
Postcode KY15 7BU
Other names See Violin Shop; Campbell's Cafe
Date 1886
OS grid ref NO 25224 07378
Latitude & longitude 56°15′11″N 3°12′30″W
HES listing details[1]
Category: C
Reference / date B31261 / 01/12/1971
Address/Site Name Savings Bank and Co-operative Building, High Street

Dated 1886. Baronial 2-storey attic and basement, crowstepped 2-gable front to Cross, circular stair tower on N and corbelled angle turret at SE; South basement window has lintel dated 17GKMN50, 17th century moulded doorpiece incorporated on north side.

Statement of special interest

Cobbled front area to east, partly cobbled pavement on South. Re-categorised as C(S) from B for Group (2006).

1963 listing details[2]
Number: 18
Address/Site Name Savings Bank and Co-operative Shop, High Street

Baronial: 2-storey: ashlar and slate: stair tower and corbelled turret: dated 1886

The Old Town House is the building in Falkland High Street containing the Violin Shop (historically Bryces's Store) with accommodation above, and Campbell's Cafe (historically the Co-op store and later Warbeck's) with Warbeck House above.

The term has also been used, perhaps erroneously, to refer to Falkland Town Hall.

The three previous buildings on the site were demolished to build it, but the tower at the north side was retained at Mrs Margaret Tyndall Bruce's insistence. Her initials appear on a plaque.

Previous uses

See Violin Shop; Campbell's Cafe

Further references

"Closing the E side of the 'square' is the Old Town House, tepid baronial dated 1886. Part of a C17 doorpiece is re-used in the NW tower. On its S front, a basement window's lintel is dated 1750."[3]

"Old Town House, 1866, on the west side of The Cross, is in Baronial garb, incorporating earlier relics."[4]


Further images