As with Wikipedia, there are several ways to find information on this site.
As with Wikipedia, there are several ways to find information on this site.
*Click on any word or phrase in blue to go to the item in question
*Click on any word or phrase in blue to go to the item in question (words in red are links to an article that hasn't been written yet).
(words in red are links to an article that hasn't been written yet).
*Click on any picture to see a larger version.
*Click on any picture to see a larger version.
*Explore our records [[:Category:Streets and roads|street by street]].
*Explore our records [[:Category:Streets and roads|street by street]].
Revision as of 16:04, 8 February 2022
Will you help us expand this site to document our history and our heritage? Email us you'd like to get involved.
Welcome to Falkland Historic Buildings – the online encyclopaedia of Falkland and its tangible heritage -
archaeology, buildings, landscape and some of the people who have helped to make Falkland the special place that it is.
This site is maintained by volunteers from The Falkland Society. It was created to preserve and display the outcome of The Falkland Listed Buildings Survey,
its history, previous names, and special features. Starting on World Photography Day, 19 August 2020,
volunteers have been taking photographs of buildings throughout the town.
"Falkland", for most people probably means the built-up area of our historic town (or village) in the middle of
the "Kingdom" of Fife, south-east Scotland. But this wiki also covers:
But it's not easy to find out about the listed buildings or even where they are.
The listing was mainly done in the early 1970s,
and many of the HES records refer to buildings by names that bear no relation to their current addresses;
one of the aims of this site is to locate our listed buildings and relate them to the current names and addresses.